Hear me out.
Before Pitbull was stylish and rocking it out with beautiful women like Shakira, he had his share of bad styling. One Google Images search is all it takes to pull out Pitbull circa 2005.
That said, you, too can rock bright and colorful suits even if you're not a superstar. Here are some tips.
1. Work out.
At least trim off those excess belly fats. You don't have to be buff.
2. Always pick a suit that perfectly matches your measurements.
You don't want to look like your shoulders are over-padded, or that your suit hides your fingers.
3. Wear a pair of cool shades.
"Cool" means "expensive."
4. Don't forget the shoes.
Cheap shoes destroy the whole look even if you're wearing an expensive suit.
5. Add a nice watch.
6. Don't forget to put on an undershirt.
This is true especially if you're real sweaty.
7. Last, walk with confidence.