Sweat Much? Put On Some Undershirt

On hot days, we sweat buckets. While sweating is a normal biological response, it isn't sexy especially if you're not working out, jogging, or if you're not Stephen Amell.

Did you notice that some guys soak up their shirt in sweat? Check out their back, front, and pit areas and you'll know what I mean.

If you're one of these guys, here's what you should NOT forget to do: wear an undershirt. That's right. Never trust your deodorants. Some of them don't work, and some work at first but fail you down later.

Now, there are two general types of undershirts -- a cotton t-shirt and an a-shirt. Choose the former. Sure, a-shirts look sexy but if you have a lot of sweat glands in your pit areas, it's best to wear a white shirt.

Tip: Hanes is the best.